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A Token, A Calling Card, A Gift

I have been thinking about this for a little while, and I would love to live this out.  We’ll see if I do it.

Wherever You Go — Carry with you small tokens

Tokens — interesting, beautiful, silly, fun, odd, random objects that are NOT trash

When You Leave A Place — a house, a restaurant, a store — leave a token somewhere it can be appreciated.

This does not mean to make the janitor’s job harder or clutter your table for your waitress.

The ideal reaction is “What is this?” and a smile.

The tokens can be cards, toys, coins, art, notes, etc.  Whatever.

You can always leave the same thing or vary it up.

I’m going to try to play the Uno Card.  What will you do?

Imagine every parting as a gift.

tl;dr – Carry random little objects to leave as gifts to random people.

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