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come, little brother, et sing again

plaque by the door reads, “CRETUM ET FLORERE

one step inside et you taste the air

fills your lungs, clouds of flora fragrance

sticks to your teeth, a gummy residue

with every step, senses flooded again et again

hues, humidity, humongous leaves et flowers et vines etc

ground, sticky with sweet perfume

et aromatic resin

et sour fertilizer

still, such a beautiful sight

plants in rows, reach the heights

shine down, light of sun et moon

flowers, sing your songs

oxygen pours from pores

et pollen blankets the tables et floors

petals glow with sweet elegance

et leaves, so green, stand tall et proud

roots wiggle before your eyes

et to your surprise, trees begin to dance et sway

motion, unity, harmony in the greenhouse

every plant has its place et joins in the song

they sing along

Florere, Florere,

Anima mea

Florere, Florere

Anima aeterna…”

but off in the corner you see it soon

squished et squat

little weed with dried out roots

reaching for rest

crouch down

look him in his eyes

see the husk he has become

from there tables are impossible plateaus

flowers seem like flare stacks

trees billow smoke

perfume hangs like smog

fertilizer smothers

sunlight smolders

little weed struggles, stretches, strives, stresses

trying, surviving, choking on greenhouses gases

perhaps little weed belongs somewhere else

et perhaps greenhouse green is not for all

Florere, Florere,

Anima mea

Florere, Florere

Anima aeterna…”

song fills space et time

et bursts through cracks et crevices

outside, feel the cool of day,

clover et daisies

et blades et weeds

sing the song so sweetly

for the song cannot be constained

it echoes et flows from every which where

to every which where et back again

but now the very fields break from song

et call out to little weed

“brother, come beyond the panes

come plant yourself along the plains

leave that space, move beyond

et find your place et love your space

come, little brother, et sing again”


“florere, florere,

anima mea

florere, florere

anima aeterna…”



Posted under: Writing

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