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Hutchmoot 2014

After months of silence, I’m back at EvanWeppler.com.

Just had a trip to my third Hutchmoot and wanted to write a post- but as I tend to be more wordy and rambling and go on and on (like now), I thought I’d find a simpler style to share my thoughts on this year’s experience: haiku.

I think the only other time I’ve written haikus was when we studied them in school. So this is my best attempt at utilizing the simple structure of the haiku. Five haikus in honor of this year being the 5th Hutchmoot.



torn throat swallows. sore.

consistent rhythms ignored

til truth tears within.



hide? suffer alone?

or go? share in suffering? 

cross crumbling lines? share.



loving sitting stilled

silent listening beloved

love is surrounding



child, healing takes time,

rest for creation and love

takes flight- so fly home. 



hartford nears home yet not.

tread the dawn and then return

home. but where? unknown.



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