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What is Fun?

What Is Fun?

1. According to Spongebob…

2. According to Oxford…

enjoyment, amusement, or light-hearted pleasure

3. According to William Blake…

Fun I love, but too much fun is of all things the most loathsome.

4. According to YouTube, Fun is an artist that creates catchy pop music, such as “All the Pretty Girls”…

5. According to Andrew Jackson…

There is no pleasure in having nothing to do; the fun is having lots to do and not doing it.

6. According Google, the top result is…

http://www.funbrain.com/ FunBrain is the #1 site for online educational games for kids of all ages. (math, grammar, science, spelling, history)

7. According to Google Images, the top result is…

8. According to Etymonline.com…

“diversion, amusement,” 1727, earlier “a cheat, trick” (c.1700), from verb fun (1680s) “to cheat, hoax,” of uncertain origin, probably a variant of M.E. fonnen “befool” (c.1400). Stigmatized by Johnson as “a low cant word.” Older sense is preserved in phrase to make fun of (1737).

9. According to George Santayana…

Fun is a good thing but only when it spoils nothing better.

10. According to the artist Edward Henry Potthast…


11. According to Thesaurus.com…

action, ball, beguilement, cheer, delight, diversion, enjoyment, entertainment, field day, fun, fun and games, gladdening, gratification, grins, high time, hilarity, hoopla, laughs, laughter, merriment, merry go round, mirth, picnic, play, pleasing, pleasure, regalement, whoopee

12. According to Frederick Buechner…

Children that we are, even you and I, who have given up so little, know in our hearts not only that it is more blessed to give than receive, but that it is also more fun — the kind of holy fun that wells up like tears in the eyes of the saints, the kind of blessed fun in which we lose ourselves and at the same time begin to find ourselves, to grow up into the selves we were created to be.  (From Secrets in the Dark)


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  • Janet Deschamps on January 12, 2012 at 4:25 am said:

    I like all your definitions. especially the last one. I think we have the most fun when we are doing things we were created to do- things that reflect God’s character- like creating! I have a new passion for quilting ( I know- sounds like an old lady thing!) But I find great joy in creating something- working with beautiful combinations of colors and patterns.

    Great fun is also found in doing God’s work- being stretched while in His service. I think the jr high mission trip to Galveston was one of the hardest and yet most fun and fulfilling things I’ve done.

    Looking forward to reading more about fun!

  • Janet
    I think quilting/weaving/knitting are all wonderful crafts! Taking basic resources and making something beautiful and useful is a chance for us to create like God creates (though he made the universes ex nihilo, out of nothing)
    Yes- Fun has as many definitions as people that have lived. The many facets of fun show the many facets of our joyful God.