I have fond memories of TV shows of my childhood. A few years ago, I remember searching the Internet to re-watch some of these 90s classics and finding very little. But over these past few years, things have changed. You
Know the People, Love the People
In my History and Philosophy of Ministry class, we have read from a book called The Reformed Pastor by Richard Baxter. One of the subjects he touches on in this book is the importance of a minister to know the
Where Mercies Rest
A song written in a hard season of life. VERSE 1 Skin, broken by time This aching heart of mine Brittle bones, wrecked by darkness
Latest Life Events- Fall 2012
Hey, here are some things I’ve gotten to do over the past semester! 1. Finally attend Wheaton 2. See Les Mis in Downtown Chicago 3. Move into my own apartment 4. Visit a Taize Service- for more info go here- http://chicagotemple.org/worship/taize-worship-services/
Add 4 Dashes of Fun: 3 Game Ideas and a Party Proposal
Here are some fun ways to add fun to four different parts of life– Waiting for your Food, Watching the Credits, Having a Party, and Riding in the Car… At Dinner The Top Chef ™ Fusion Game I came
Evan’s Update on Life- FALL 2012
So back in the day (Freshman/Sophomore/Junior Year of College) I used to write these Random Updates on Life, and I stopped once I got the website up and running. But now I want to get back into these reviews, because: A.
Fantasy Risk Map
A while back I wrote about a Fantasy Risk board I made (http://creation.evanweppler.com/2011/11/14/fantasy-risk/) but I never posted pictures or anything. Well, here ya go. I organized the different lands from a variety of children’s tales, fantasy stories, and classic mythology.
Oh the Joy of Nature!
I first saw this song on a video on Facebook from one of my friends that worked at a camp up North. I thought it was sooo funny and I hope you do as well! Oh the joy of