A while back, I wrote this devotion for our summer staff at Forest Glen Christian Camp. It’s rather informal, but I feel it’s also rather informative and makes you think about the importance of goals. I do find it interesting how it seems to contrast with the idea of dreams that I discussed yesterday– however, I do feel that using the word “goals” is a little better than the word “dreams.” Goals are measurements, achievements, signposts on the way to excellence and faithfulness to God. Dreams can dangerously become ultimate aims, and that is not what our lives should be about. We pursue goals in pursuit of God’s will– often, we view dreams as the definition of God’s will, which is far too limiting of God’s aims and ends. Tell me what you think!
Setting Goals helps you:
1) Follow God’s Will
2) Stay Accountable
3) Serve with Excellence & Integrity
Imagine it this way…
God gives us glimpses of the road ahead—“a light unto my feet,” not bright headlights for the entire journey. He tells us what we need to do and wants us to follow Him until He tells us to move on to something else. His will never changes—we just learn about it in pieces. So if he wants us to take on a role of leadership, that can be His will. Then, if he wants us to step away from leadership and have some private soul-searching, that can be His will. We just get pieces of God’s unchanging plan— We change—at least we should. And the only way we can change is God working in us as we follow Him. And we can work on that by setting goals.
Proverbs 29:18- Where [there is] no vision, the people perish: but he that keepeth the law, happy [is] he. (KJV)
What are some times where God has shown you something you need to work for? Or stories where you saw God working as you worked towards a goal? What are your hopes for the summer? What do you hope to do? What do you hope to see God do? What do you hope to experience?
When we set goals, we should let others know so that they can ask us how we are doing. This promotes accountability and communication, develops relationships, and is real “iron sharpening iron.”
Discuss Ecclesiastes 4:9-12.
What are some areas of your life that you are going to want other to watch for? To encourage you in or discourage you from? What are some ways we can help each other move towards our goals?
When we set goals, we are aiming for a higher excellence. When we work towards that goal, we are serving with integrity. Excellence is in the quality of work we are presenting, integrity is in the faithful offering of that work.
Whatever you do, do your work heartily, as for the Lord rather than for men, knowing that from the Lord you will receive the reward of the inheritance. It is the Lord Christ whom you serve. – Ephesians 6:6-7
Who is someone you know that is successful, serves with integrity and excellence- how can you imitate that? What type of staff do we want to be? What type of believes do we want to be? (Qualities we should reach for, words that should describe us).
Read Proverbs 16:1-9.
Pray prayers of dedication of our service this summer.
“May we work as You work, God.”