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Home » Articles posted by Evan (Page 6)

108 Days of Summer

  I was blessed with 108 (give or take) fantastic, terrific, fantasterrific days of summer.  For about 75% of the summer, I did a decent job of giving regular status updates what I was doing, who I was seeing, where

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Kids React Infographic

I am a huge fan of TheFineBros and all of their creative works, especially their React shows and especially Kids React! I wanted to share some fun tidbits of information about the Fine Brothers and their fantastic show and thought

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Honest Rambles #3

I know that I am just complaining, venting, you could say whining. I’ve typed and retyped these first couple of sentences because I don’t even feel like writing them. Anything I verbalize doesn’t sound right. I feel like I really

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Honest Rambles #1

I don’t have much to say anymore. And still I have so much to say. I wish I could have some inspiring blog post or creative writing piece, but today (and for a while) I’m just gonna go with some

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Honey Bookmark

I posted this over in my Portfolio, but realized I didn’t share it on my main site. So here it is! Psalm 119:103- “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” In the Jewish

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Simple Worship Elements

A while back, I served as the Summer Intern at Cypress Bible Church. Part of my work there that summer was to develop a worship experience during our summer Beach Week. During the worship times, led by the impeccable Tom

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That Sound

I once was lost, then I was found When in the dark, I heard a sound A voice that called me homeward bound Amazing Grace, it was that sound Ohhhh (3x) Come home Ohhhh (3x) Ohhhhh I once was blind,

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Team StarKid

Well after a fun trip into Chicago with my sister to see the fantastic Team StarKid in their production/comedy show, “Airport for Birds,” I realized something: Some of you may not know about Team StarKid! I’m so sorry I haven’t

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Epic 4 Video

So last year at the Cypress Bible Church Junior High Guy Retreat (or Event), rightly called EPIC (which I have enjoyed attending for three years) on the last day out at Forest Glen at breakfast, I started filming a promo

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Balance In Between

If you know me well, you will know that there’s a word, a key element of life, that I uphold and value and pursue (or at least attempt to pursue) in all my pursuits: balance. Now I’m no dancer nor

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To You

I wrote this piece back in high school, and it’s located over in the Archives of my earlier writings. I still find it rather profound and feel it is just as relevant as it was five years ago. In many

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A Blank Journal

I love a blank journal. Especially if it comes from Paperblanks… Seriously, if you ever want to buy me a birthday or Christmas or Arbor Day present, get me a Paperblanks journal, please. Like this, or this, or this, or

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You must remember. I must remember. The reason we all need grace, from God, from others, from ourselves, is because we are all broken. I’m just a well dressed wreck / I’m just a made up mess Working hard trying to

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Goals Devotion

A while back, I wrote this devotion for our summer staff at Forest Glen Christian Camp. It’s rather informal, but I feel it’s also rather informative and makes you think about the importance of goals. I do find it interesting

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