If I wanted to travel into and around Chicago, there are quite a few ways I could go about doing so. I could drive into the city and park in a garage. I could take the train into Ogilvie Transportation
108 Days of Summer
I was blessed with 108 (give or take) fantastic, terrific, fantasterrific days of summer. For about 75% of the summer, I did a decent job of giving regular status updates what I was doing, who I was seeing, where
Honest Ramblings #4
I want to be with people, but I wouldn’t want to be with me. I want to be around people, but I still want my own space and privacy. I want to be close with people, but I push people
Kids React Infographic
I am a huge fan of TheFineBros and all of their creative works, especially their React shows and especially Kids React! I wanted to share some fun tidbits of information about the Fine Brothers and their fantastic show and thought
Honest Rambles #3
I know that I am just complaining, venting, you could say whining. I’ve typed and retyped these first couple of sentences because I don’t even feel like writing them. Anything I verbalize doesn’t sound right. I feel like I really
Honest Rambles #2
It’s been a hard week… All I want to do is hide away from everything. I stay up late watching TV and sleep in. Then when I wake up, I keep all of the lights off. It’s more calming to
Honest Rambles #1
I don’t have much to say anymore. And still I have so much to say. I wish I could have some inspiring blog post or creative writing piece, but today (and for a while) I’m just gonna go with some
Honey Bookmark
I posted this over in my Portfolio, but realized I didn’t share it on my main site. So here it is! Psalm 119:103- “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” In the Jewish
To Feel the Sorrow and Joy of Easter
Sometimes I’m just numb to it all. You know what I mean? I remember the death of Christ on Good Friday. I mourn with fellow believers around the world, on this, the darkest day in history. And yet I don’t
Simple Worship Elements
A while back, I served as the Summer Intern at Cypress Bible Church. Part of my work there that summer was to develop a worship experience during our summer Beach Week. During the worship times, led by the impeccable Tom
That Sound
I once was lost, then I was found When in the dark, I heard a sound A voice that called me homeward bound Amazing Grace, it was that sound Ohhhh (3x) Come home Ohhhh (3x) Ohhhhh I once was blind,
Life Means So Much: Remembering Daniel Jones
This past Saturday morning, I woke up to the news that my friend Daniel Jones had died. I typically sit in bed and check Facebook and email for a little while on a Saturday morning, but when I read my
Team StarKid
Well after a fun trip into Chicago with my sister to see the fantastic Team StarKid in their production/comedy show, “Airport for Birds,” I realized something: Some of you may not know about Team StarKid! I’m so sorry I haven’t
Where Mercies Rest- Demo
I recorded a song! Well, I have recorded plenty of songs, but I finally played and recorded the whole thing and posted it up on SoundCloud. Now it is nowhere near where I’d like it to be, definitely a poor
Epic 4 Video
So last year at the Cypress Bible Church Junior High Guy Retreat (or Event), rightly called EPIC (which I have enjoyed attending for three years) on the last day out at Forest Glen at breakfast, I started filming a promo
Balance In Between
If you know me well, you will know that there’s a word, a key element of life, that I uphold and value and pursue (or at least attempt to pursue) in all my pursuits: balance. Now I’m no dancer nor
To You
I wrote this piece back in high school, and it’s located over in the Archives of my earlier writings. I still find it rather profound and feel it is just as relevant as it was five years ago. In many
Evan Christopher Weppler’s Random Update: Wheaton College Ed. Vol 2
Here’s my latest update for Winter 2012-2013! Just a little peak into my life! (Although if you frequent my site, you probably already know all this!)
10 New Pieces of Tech (Which Soon Will Be At The Top Of Your Wish List)
There is a lot of new technology coming out– so much, in fact, it’s hard to stay on top of it all. Here are just a few that have tickled my fancy. 1. Little Printer http://bergcloud.com/littleprinter/ First, watch this little
A Blank Journal
I love a blank journal. Especially if it comes from Paperblanks… Seriously, if you ever want to buy me a birthday or Christmas or Arbor Day present, get me a Paperblanks journal, please. Like this, or this, or this, or
A Very Potter Senior Year
This was finally released to the Internet on Friday, March 15th! I am proud to have been among the first 300 people to watch the show, alongside my sister, a fellow Star Kid fan. If you haven’t yet seen A
You must remember. I must remember. The reason we all need grace, from God, from others, from ourselves, is because we are all broken. I’m just a well dressed wreck / I’m just a made up mess Working hard trying to
Goals Devotion
A while back, I wrote this devotion for our summer staff at Forest Glen Christian Camp. It’s rather informal, but I feel it’s also rather informative and makes you think about the importance of goals. I do find it interesting