I posted this over in my Portfolio, but realized I didn’t share it on my main site. So here it is! Psalm 119:103- “How sweet are your words to my taste, sweeter than honey to my mouth!” In the Jewish
Where Mercies Rest- Demo
I recorded a song! Well, I have recorded plenty of songs, but I finally played and recorded the whole thing and posted it up on SoundCloud. Now it is nowhere near where I’d like it to be, definitely a poor
A Blank Journal
I love a blank journal. Especially if it comes from Paperblanks… Seriously, if you ever want to buy me a birthday or Christmas or Arbor Day present, get me a Paperblanks journal, please. Like this, or this, or this, or
Two T-Shirt Designs
A couple of years ago I thought up these two t-shirt designs, and I decided to finally do a higher quality mock-up (still not that high quality, but better than a scribble in a notebook!) What do you think? Kids
BIBLEGRAPHS! – John 1:1-18
Flannelgraphs. Pictographs. Biblegraphs. I remember when I was younger, before I knew how to write, despite my lack of comprehension of letters and words, I still had stories within me. So what did I do? I wrote with pictures. I’m
Lost Risk Board
Back in the final season of Lost, I undertook a difficult project: a Lost-themed Risk board. Around this time my friends and I had been playing a great deal of Risk, and many of the same friends were avid Lost
The Friend Song
So at camp, we’ve been singing this song– Brother, Friend– for years now. I wanna say 2002 was the first summer, but I could be totally wrong. And this other song, Lean On Me, has been around much, much longer.
I have a confession. . . . I like to doodle. Like, alot. I remember back in Norway, I once got in a fight with one of my friends because he made me feel bad for not paying attention to
Motivational Babies #4
I just love these things. And not cause I made them, but because I truly find them to be motivational… babies. I was feeling down the other day and browsed the originals and just loved almost each one.
Fun School Decals
When I was a high school senior at CCS in Cypress, TX, I was involved in planning a skit for a school year kick off event. We did a variety of bits, like two fru-fru ladies selling school mums and
The Virtuous Pevensies
I spent about a year and a half working on a thesis to finish my undergraduate studies at Baylor University. Now, that sounds impressive, I’m sure. Truthfully, I did try my best to live a full life while working on
Forest Glen Day Camp 2012- MOVE Curriculum
This past summer at camp, I developed the curriculum for the Day Camp program. Our theme was MOVE, based on Acts 17:28, “In Him we live and move and have our being…” We talked about how God moves through us
Assortment of Handcrafted Images
I wanted to call them posters, but they’re too small for that. And I didn’t want to call them images, because that’s too generic. I wanted to make up a word, but couldn’t find anything suitable. So I’m calling these
Inspirational Artist: Hans Dahl
I am developing a story (still secret for now) and as I was searching for inspiration, I came across this artist. Hans Dahl was a Norwegian artist who lived from 1849 to 1937. He painted scenes of Norwegian countrysides and
Fantasy Risk Map
A while back I wrote about a Fantasy Risk board I made (http://creation.evanweppler.com/2011/11/14/fantasy-risk/) but I never posted pictures or anything. Well, here ya go. I organized the different lands from a variety of children’s tales, fantasy stories, and classic mythology.
Crouton Version
I had an idea about translating the Scriptures– The Bible is like the Bread of Life. It is filling and enlivening. To eat it we read it piece by piece, but sometimes we read a verse and it’s like pulling
Mister Rogers Theses
When I was trying to decide my thesis last year (two years ago?), it was right around then that my love for Mister Rogers was kindled. I had watched him perhaps a little as a child, but never been
The Morning Blest
The Morning Blest VERSE 1 There were diamonds budding from the glass blades Reveling in the beauty of the morning There were operas sung by crows and ravens Reveling in the beauty of the morn I felt sunshine, warming
Motivational Babies #2
I originally posted some of these at my Fun blog- Check them out here! A while back, I started making these pieces based off the idea of motivational posters and how awesome babies are. These feature pictures of cute babies
Mannequin Player & T-Shirt Mashups
Here are a couple of ideas that have been floating around in my brain for a while… 1. Mannequin Dock/Player I first imagined this before the rise of mp3 players, and I just loved the idea of the CD player
Go! Be! Live! Love!
One of my favorite authors and artists is Frederick Buechner, author of The Alphabet of Grace, Whistling in the Dark, and Godric and more. This piece I am sharing with you is from Secrets in the Dark, a book of
Bible Reading App
THE IDEA I have had this idea in mind for a good 2 years or so now, and I wish that I had the knowhow for making apps for Apple or Android products, but, alas and alack, I do not.
10 of My Creative Influences
By Evan Weppler Over the years, I have been blessed to be encouraged and led to be creative by so many wonderful souls and activities. Here are a few thanks to a few– 1. TASIS England Book Making– In my