"How Are You?" Word A Day Calendar

“How Are You?” Word A Day Calendar

So often in life, we are asked one question over and over again, and the answer seems to always be the same.

“How are you doing” – – – “Fine”

“Hey, how are you?!” – – – “Good!”

“How’s it going?” – – – “Okay.”

And sometimes the question is echoed, and then the same answer is echoed. Unless you are a rare creature, who actually speaks of how they are doing in great detail, often causing others to feel uncomfortable and wishing they had not asked at all. The question is usually the same as the answer, a formality and nothing more. It is a verbal handshake, high face, or wave. One must initiate, and the other must respond.  When you ask someone “How are you?” and they gush about their feelings as you are passing them on the sidewalk, it’s like trying to give a high five to someone who wants to do a cool secret handshake that only they know.

I’ve thought for years that it would be nice to have another option besides:

A. The same old response

B. The crazy soul stirrings word vomit

C. Abstaining from asking or answering


And thus I thought of the “How are You?” Word a Day Calendar. Each day has three different words.

1. Red- A bad/mad/sad/annoyed/emotional word- For when you feel like biting through metal bars or punching butterflies.

2. Green- A good/happy/peaceful/content/thriving word- For when things are going alright and you’re drinking some sweet tea of joy

3. Purple- A random/odd/different/specific/interesting word- For when you want to appear intelligent or want a new way to say “hungry”


Three words a day– Flip to a new page each day and look ’em over.

Then, when someone asks the question, you have something better in your holster than a weak “Okay” or a lousy “Fine.”

Three words a day– You may use just one, you may not use them at all.

If you do, it might spark new conversations and experiences. If you don’t, at least you’re learning new vocabulary!

Three words a day– Over a THOUSAND words per year!

So next time someone asks you:

“How’s it going?”

Be ready. Be prepared. Be JUBILANT and ANSWER THAT QUESTION!