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Home » 2013 (Page 3)

Epic 4 Video

So last year at the Cypress Bible Church Junior High Guy Retreat (or Event), rightly called EPIC (which I have enjoyed attending for three years) on the last day out at Forest Glen at breakfast, I started filming a promo

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Balance In Between

If you know me well, you will know that there’s a word, a key element of life, that I uphold and value and pursue (or at least attempt to pursue) in all my pursuits: balance. Now I’m no dancer nor

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To You

I wrote this piece back in high school, and it’s located over in the Archives of my earlier writings. I still find it rather profound and feel it is just as relevant as it was five years ago. In many

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A Blank Journal

I love a blank journal. Especially if it comes from Paperblanks… Seriously, if you ever want to buy me a birthday or Christmas or Arbor Day present, get me a Paperblanks journal, please. Like this, or this, or this, or

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You must remember. I must remember. The reason we all need grace, from God, from others, from ourselves, is because we are all broken. I’m just a well dressed wreck / I’m just a made up mess Working hard trying to

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Goals Devotion

A while back, I wrote this devotion for our summer staff at Forest Glen Christian Camp. It’s rather informal, but I feel it’s also rather informative and makes you think about the importance of goals. I do find it interesting

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Dreams, Part 1

What are dreams? No, I don’t mean what happens when you sleep– but dreams of what we hope to do, who we hope to be, how we hope to change the world.  Hopes. Desires. Ideas. Dreams. It’s interesting how we

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Backwards Uno

This game originated at a Sonic in Huntsville, TX, July 23rd, 2011.  The game is epic. The game is awesome. The game is Backwards Uno.    Goal: To be the last person playing OR have the most cards at end

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Two T-Shirt Designs

A couple of years ago I thought up these two t-shirt designs, and I decided to finally do a higher quality mock-up (still not that high quality, but better than a scribble in a notebook!) What do you think? Kids

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The Odd Liturgy, Part 2

Sometimes we need prayers for the odd times of life. This is why I have The Odd Liturgy. These prayers I pray daily, though not every day. They are tied to daily activities and rededicate, tag, redeem, hallow, sanctify, redirect,

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Did You Know?

Did you know any of these amazing facts? Count the ones you knew already and post your score! Did you know… that the Shire theme from Lord of the Rings… …was inspired by the tune of the hymn “This is

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I’m a few days behind on my posts, but who knows who actually reads these things anyway. Thought I’d merely throw some inspirational or challenging thoughts up here– hope they do some good. (That last one was made by me…

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BIBLEGRAPHS! – John 1:1-18

Flannelgraphs. Pictographs. Biblegraphs. I remember when I was younger, before I knew how to write, despite my lack of comprehension of letters and words, I still had stories within me. So what did I do? I wrote with pictures. I’m

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Friday: The Phenomenon

Just about two years ago, a certain song was blowing up on YouTube and on the charts.  This song was loved and hated by the masses and made a mess of money for this new “star.” This song… was named… Friday.

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That Feeling

What would life be like without those feelings?  Feelings of happiness, of wonder, of sadness and delight… We humans are feeling creatures, not just brains in meat sacks. God has made us to feel, and while life shouldn’t be spent

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