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Home » 2013 (Page 4)

Lost Risk Board

Back in the final season of Lost, I undertook a difficult project: a Lost-themed Risk board. Around this time my friends and I had been playing a great deal of Risk, and many of the same friends were avid Lost

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Jacob wrestled that angel   arm in arm in earth and morning break   form and spirit morphed into a mess of restlessfigures   persevering trying fighting failing trying breaking   Jacob wrestled that angel  til dawn   God bless

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Mr. Bean

As I was looking at old TV shows, I couldn’t stop thinking about one of the funniest comedians of our time: Rowan Atkinson.  And of course, his wonderful character, Mr. Bean. He’s got his movies, his animated series, but it

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The Friend Song

So at camp, we’ve been singing this song– Brother, Friend– for years now.  I wanna say 2002 was the first summer, but I could be totally wrong.  And this other song, Lean On Me, has been around much, much longer.

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As a tear baptized my cheek And I saw a soul depart And the pangs of death rose up within my chest Yea, the fangs of death bit down upon my heart   Brother, I cry for you today Sister,

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The Mystery

One of my favorite creators today is JJ Abrams, for a number of reasons. Yes, he had a strong hand in the formation of some of my favorite TV shows ever– Alias, Fringe, LOST.  Yes, he is becoming a household

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In the dark of the night When he’s left you all alone And when your heart has turned to stone Just wait, oh wait   The Lord appears at night In a whisper In a place deep inside The Lord

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I have a confession. . . . I like to doodle. Like, alot. I remember back in Norway, I once got in a fight with one of my friends because he made me feel bad for not paying attention to

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