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The Good News of Christmas from A to Z

good news of christmasThis is the story I read to the kids on Christmas Eve at Cypress Bible Church. I told them since they were on vacation, they needed to refresh their brains so we’d do some ABCs! They called out the letter or word as I read the story. After some requests from parents for it to be shared, here it is:

A long long long long long long long time ago…

Before time even began, God had a plan. God

Created the heavens and the earth. He created the first humans, Adam and Eve, and gave them every tree filled with good fruit, but told them to not eat the fruit from the tree of knowledge of good and evil. They would

Die and be separated from God if they disobeyed.  If they obeyed God they could live with Him forever, but they were tempted by a serpent to disobey God. Adam and

Eve sinned and ate the

Fruit and realized they had sinned and were ashamed. They hid from

God, but God knew where they were. God loved them, but their sin separated them from Him. Still God covered them up and God promised someday a

Hero would come and crush the serpent to save the day.  God still watched over Adam and Eve and He promised to care for the family of Abraham and his children, His chosen people.

Israel waited for the promised hero that would come save the day. The wanted someone like

Joshua, who defeated their enemies and led Israel into the promised land. God promised he would come from the family of

King David and rule over the whole world. God even promised this hero would be born in David’s hometown Bethlehem. The Israelites waited for a

Long, long, long, long, long long time.  God sent prophets and promised this hero would come. This hero was called the Anointed One, the Savior, the

Messiah and he would save God’s people from sin and make things right with God again. But many years went by… and some people feared that this hero would

Never come, because they had gone so far away from God.  But

One day an angel from God came and spoke to a young girl named Mary. He

Promised that she would give birth to the promised hero and name him Jesus. Mary couldn’t keep

Quiet about this. No, Mary

Rejoiced and celebrated that the time had finally come!  God was keeping his promise. The Promised Hero was coming! The Anointed One, the Messiah, Jesus, the one who could

Save us from our sin and help us be with God forever!  Jesus was born in Bethlehem. Angels praised God in heaven. Shepherds from outside Bethlehem went and shouted out good news! Wise men from far away came and worshiped baby Jesus.

The Hero was born.  But the story doesn’t end there.  Jesus The Hero came to show God’s love, to teach God’s truth, to share God’s grace and to make a way back to God for all who have sinned. The only way for the hero to rescue the world was to give his life away, to die in our place. Jesus lived and died on the cross and rose again from the dead, defeating the power of death so that we would no longer be separated from God. Jesus came to save

Us.  That is what we celebrate at Christmas.  That He came to be our hero, to save us, to rescue us.  Christmas is when we celebrate not only Jesus’ birth, but His life, His death, His resurrection and the never-ending life He gives to all who trust in Him.  God loves you

Very, very, very, very, very, very, very, very much.  God

Wants you to be close to Him, to know Him and be with Him forever, just like you celebrate Christmas with your family!  When we live with God, every day can be like Christmas, filled with love and joy and peace.

eXcept, it’s a choice. Just like if I handed a gift to my best friend—they must choose to accept that gift.  What will

You do? If you want to have your sins washed away and receive the gift of never-ending life with Jesus, you have choose to receive God’s gift. Choose to believe in Him and live for Him.  It’s a choice that can change your life—the greatest gift you will ever receive.  And that’s it— that is the Good News of Christmas from A to


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