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I had other plans for today’s post, but the school shooting in Newtown, Connecticut just brought tears to my ears and an ache to my soul. Here is a video featuring the song, “Columbine, Friend of Mine” written by friends

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I Have a Hunger

A song inspired by writings of Andrew Peterson and CS Lewis. Romans 8:19-23   I have a hunger, I have a craving, I have an urging, a deep desire I have a thirst, I have a yearning, And it’s burning

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I struggle with depression. I don’t know how long, but it’s flared up over the past few years. In my senior year at Baylor, it was the major factor in delaying my graduation for a year. Even as I went

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Chase Scene

A student gets frustrated as he studies hard– so hard that he basically destroys his books. One book is not going to take it lying down, and it makes a great escape. Who will win? This video was produced in

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Change is Hard

I don’t know about you, but I hate change. I think I’ve dealt with this since I was a baby– loud noises and changes in environment caused me to start crying and freak out. Now I don’t cry as much,

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Latest Life Events- Fall 2012

Hey, here are some things I’ve gotten to do over the past semester! 1. Finally attend Wheaton 2. See Les Mis in Downtown Chicago 3. Move into my own apartment 4. Visit a Taize Service- for more info go here- http://chicagotemple.org/worship/taize-worship-services/

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Fantasy Risk Map

A while back I wrote about a Fantasy Risk board I made (http://creation.evanweppler.com/2011/11/14/fantasy-risk/) but I never posted pictures or anything. Well, here ya go. I organized the different lands from a variety of children’s tales, fantasy stories, and classic mythology.

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Crouton Version

I had an idea about translating the Scriptures– The Bible is like the Bread of Life.  It is filling and enlivening.  To eat it we read it piece by piece, but sometimes we read a verse and it’s like pulling

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